Zebra Earth Sciences Inc. will be in attendance for the Central Canada Mineral Exploration Convention 2024. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada this conference will be held on November 4-5, 2024. The event will be held at the Victoria Inn and Convention Centre in Winnipeg. More information about Zebra ES's plans for the conference will be released in the coming week. Please stand tuned.
For more information regarding the conference please, click the button below.
EN: Zebra Earth Sciences Inc. is proud to be involved and a sponser of the latest Colegio de Geofísicos course titled Caracterización de Grietas, Fracturas, Asentamientos y Fallas Mediante Tomografía Sismíca. The course will be held from June 26 until June 28, 2024 at the Colegio de Ingeníeros Petroleros de México A.C. in Mexico City, México. Capacity is limited.
Allan Duchoslav and Itzayana Bernal will be present throughout the course. Please refer below for more information on how to attend. We look forward to seeing you.
ES: Zebra Earth Sciences Inc. se enorgullece de participar y patrocinar el más reciente curso del Colegio de Geofísicos titulado "Caracterización de Grietas, Fracturas, Asentamientos y Fallas Mediante Tomografía Sismíca". El curso se llevará a cabo del 26 al 28 de junio de 2024 en el Colegio de Ingenieros Petroleros de México A.C. en la Ciudad de México, México. La cupo limitado.
Allan Duchoslav e Itzayana Bernal estarán presentes durante todo el curso. Consulte la información que aparece debajo para mayor información del curso y sobre cómo asistir. Esperamos verte.
Zebra Earth Sciences Inc. has expanded it's rental capabilities by adding SM-20 magnetic susceptibility meters to it's pool of instruments for 2024.
The SM-20 magnetic susceptibility meter by GF Instruments is small tool for geological and geophysical applications. The SM-20's sensitivity of 0.000001 SI units makes it the ideal tool for basic analysis and classification to rock types and differentiation of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic rocks. This instrument is operated using 2 buttons making it very simple and easy. Farther options enabled by the PC software include the ability to make notes, comments or labels. For information can be accessed through the link below.
This instrument will be available for rental and demonstrations in January 2024. If you have any questions or wish to reserve a unit for 2024 please contact us at info@zebraes.com.